There are many different subjects that are spoken about at Social Work Conferences. The subjects such as big issues facing the social work are talked about at these conferences. The big issues include political landscape changes, alterations in communities as well as changes in education and ways this could influence other countries around the globe as well as in the UK.
Social Work Conferences: Landscape Changes
Landscape changes include political changes that could affect the UK and other countries across the globe. One of the biggest landscape changes spoken about is Brexit. Many of the challenges and opportunities involving Brexit are brought up at Social Work Conferences as well as the impacts this would have on peoples futures. Different opinions are taken into consideration when trying to decide what is best at these conferences as well as what the social work can do to help in these situations.
Social Work Conferences Community Changes
Another topic that groups speak about at Social Work Conferenares are the changes that may be made to the community. They take into consideration many different changes: Refugees and asylum seekers, war and poverty in different countries. They go on to speak about what needs to be changed as well as what the outcomes and effects would be. At Social Work Conferences, people have different views that they want to share. Each one is presented by a group who then bring forward their questions and solutions to these issues.
Educational Changes
Another big issue spoken about at Social Work Conferences is Education. At these events, all different educational factors are taken into consideration. Groups that believe education could be improved all come up with suggestions of ways to help schools and pupils in the future. These different groups all have different views on how education can be adjusted. Each group take it, in turn, to speak about their suggestion and how it can make education better.